Welcome to my site! Looking for Dr. Claire Panosian, the tropical medicine, global health, and infectious diseases specialist? That’s me.
Looking for Claire Panosian Dunavan, the writer-journalist? That’s me too.
In these pages you’ll find “Infection Files” columns and Discover medical mysteries as well as other pieces published in leading newspapers and magazines.
I’ve also created an archive of academic work in Scientific American, the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, and Health Affairs, among others.
Finally, take a look at clips from my years as a national TV reporter and co-anchor at Lifetime Medical Television and medical writer/producer for HealthQuest Media, Inc.
Thanks for stopping by!
Daily News, November 2011
Tanzania, November 2002. I have just attended Africa’s largest-ever malaria conference. Now my TV professional husband is capturing stories of real-life sufferers. Escorted by a tall, Masai herdsman with handsome features, we enter a home built of grass and cow dung. Inside, the air is dark and dense with the smell of animals, smoke and roasted meat. The man’s wife, …